Monday, November 4, 2013

Woo woo stuff - the weird tale of the bobby pins

(**I have updated this post**)

I decided to start telling the tales I have of the weird stuff I have that happens to me.  I'll start with the ongoing weirdness of the bobby pins.

For the last 3 months or so I have been finding a random bobby pin just about every single time I go for a walk.  The first one I just noticed and probably thought 'huh' and I kept walking.  The next day I saw another one, this time in the elevator.  And I remember thinking 'hey! another bobby pin!'.  Then the third one I was with Jeff and I made him look at it and he said something profound like 'we are in the middle of the street woman keep walking!'

It wasn't until like 6th one that I started picking them up.  It was getting ridiculous and it was the first weird thing (in a long line of weird things) that I had something tangible to show.

I now have this pile of abandoned bobby pins:

I've lost some, because while I'm walking for exercise I attach them to my sleeve and they fall off sometimes.  It's a bummer that I don't have ALL of them, because that would have made quite the impressive pile.  I find them when I'm with Jeff, when I'm with France, when I'm with Mike, when I'm alone.

Today I was walking at Mission Bay and I was writing this blog post in my head.  I was thinking hard about the pins and since I was thinking about it and LOOKING for one I figured (laughing) that I wasn't ever going to find another one now.  Just then I looked down and bam.

I said 'woot!' and snapped a picture and kept walking and three steps later bam:

It's an unbent one, right there in the middle.

I took a couple more steps, and BAM:

Lying directly along the grass line, almost hidden, center of picture, above disgusting gum blob.

Now see - you can tell by the pictures that these pins are sometimes hidden and rather hard to see.  I have no idea why my eyes are drawn directly to them.  They are brown - they're meant to be unseen in your hair.  Sidewalks aren't exactly swept clean of sticks, twigs and leaves.  It's bizarre, is what it is.  I'm also (usually!) looking at the scenery, illustrated here:

It's distracting and all, being at the beach or by a lake or, most especially, behind both dogs and being yanked and pulled in two different directions.  Something always draws my eye directly to them.

Logically?  Scientifically?  OBECTIVELY?  these things fall out of girls hair when they're walking/running and it's just a coincidence that I find them. 


Do YOU think you personally, would find a bobby pin every day?  Every. single. day.?  Yeah.  I don't believe in coincidences, I know most people DO but I don't.  Something is trying to get my attention and I seriously have no idea who or what.  It's so frustrating, to be constantly *poinked* in the eyeball with these things and have no context.

Which - hello stupid spirit from the other side.  I need just a skosh more information please.  For ME, bobby pins are a vintage item.  I remember my DNA mother and her aunt, my Aunt Kay, using them.  Both women are dead.  If they are indeed the ones contacting me, I am not getting the fucking message.  This is useless communication, unless they just want to say "hi, I'm here" in which case, I get a LOT of those kinds of things.  Nice and all, but ultimately useless.

I know, I know - it's just trash and a coincidence and all that.  But that's not the feeling I get from it.  I'm certain I sound crazy pants - but there it is.

It's not the weirdest thing that has happened to me, but I thought I'd start with something small.  Get you used to the fact that I'm just exactly that weird.


  1. now I feel sorta stupid. It doesn't sound all that impressive, written out loud. It's weird to ME, every time it happens. *shrug*

    1. Look your story is nothing, I keep finding piles of them in a hallway nook I have. It's freaking creepy! And I don't even use boy pins they just keep appearing!

    2. Also here's my email so we can keep in touch.

    3. I find them too dammit... which lead me here ...

    4. Well you're not stupid, this is the 1st time I've been able to find someone other than myself who keeps finding those dam Bobby pins, it was getting beyond irritating m. It's been going on for two yrs. I was going through rough times, just speaking for myself, it means to keep it together, Bobby pins holds things together:)

    5. i have found 70 random
      hair pins kept 62 something has them coming to me hm mom has past and use to pin curl her hair so i

      feel lucky she is near i feel

  2. My house is lousy with bobby pins, but I have a 15 year old step daughter who has her friends over constantly and that skews the data at Casa de Q

    1. yeah I imagine if someone was trying to communicate with you using bobby pins or hair product they would need to back a truck up to the door...

    2. My wife and I are finding them on the floor in our house. It is starting to freak me out.

    3. My wife and I are finding them on the floor in our house. It is starting to freak me out.

  3. I always wondered if I stuck a few in electrical outlets back in the day. It would sure explain a lot of things about me. It's either that are the paint chips my mother gave us with our sandwiches.

  4. That's weird! I've been trying to grow my really short hair long and I'm at a really messy stage. Friday for the 1st time in about 30 years I bought bobby pins to pin the straggly bits behind my ears. Tonight, for the very 1st time I wore them to a meeting and when I got home and went to take them out they were gone.

    Next thing, I sit down at my computer and read this post. It's gotta be a world wide alien conspiracy!

    1. Ok, that fits with what I was thinking, which is that somebody (or several somebodies) like me, whose hair at any length is so slithery that nothing stays in it for long, lives in your area, or your area is full of these types, AND they all walk a lot ORRR there's some kind of underground bobby pin economy going on, or maybe some daft person is scattering them everywhere for some daft reason, or all of the above. OK, that's all I can think of right now. --quartz

  5. Daft! Haven't heard that for ages. You a Brit like me quartz?

  6. My initial thought is that bobby pins neaten things up, pin up loose ends, etc. Maybe the idea is that you're seeing symbols of all these other people losing their tools to restrain their messes. Maybe the objects are telling you to keep sharing your stories, to help people find their tools to fix their problems.

    1. Bess, exactly! I was trying to list everything that bobby/hair pins represent.
      1. Hairpin turns - my life is going to change drastically
      2. Your idea - make the messy neat. Tidy up.
      3. Style - holding your style in place, maybe holding my life in place

      I like your idea - but honestly, all y'all have much more to offer in the MN category. There maybe aren't as many ACoNs looking for answers to the Ignoring Narcissist. I've said, we are the lucky ones (if such a thing with narcs is possible). But I'll keep writing, lol - I can't seem to stop myself.

  7. Oohh, good one, Bess! quartz and mulder reflected on hair-that-won't-hold-a-damn-thing (that'd be mine) and q spoke to my past time as a kid to "entertain" Psychob. Seriously, she thought it was hysterical to watch her toddler-me-stick bobby pins into outlets. When I got older I preferred other types of buzzes instead of 220's.
    Gladys, I have no clue. I don't run across bobby pins unless they're mine and in my house or car-my hair is long, braided and tucked back under with a bunch of pins. That's really....woo-woo! I read something about the visual cortex of individuals who are able to detect patterns on a dense background but I don't remember the conclusion-sorry! Please keep the woo woo comin'-this fascinates me.
    If ya want to keep the bobby pins in your hair, spray 'em with hairspray and stick 'em where ya want 'em while they're still wet and use the short ridged side against your scalp, not the long flat side. And that's all I got for this discussion!

  8. My mum used the closed end of the bobby pin to scoop wax out of our ears! There were times when it was very painful and I'd beg her to stop. Maybe that's why I'm deaf now.

    1. Ouch MF my mother used to wash my hair in the kitchen sink and I hated it. I think they call it water boarding now.

    2. mulder, And to think you initially thought your FATHER was the N! Water boarding-check. Mine came with a vinegar rinse, the better to make your kid's eyes sting, burn and appear as if they were gettin' high instead of just yk, daring to (gasp!) cry. And smell like salad dressing.
      Ya gotta make your KIDS suffer to compete in the MOTY Olympics.

    3. Vinegar on sunburn. Stung like a bitch and made you smell like a fish and chip shop! Once, when my skin started to peel after a sunburn she said it looked dirty and scrubbed off the remaining skin with an SOS pad. I can still smell the stinky blue soap!

      Aww, the good old days!

  9. Gladys, I love reading your posts. And you don't sound weird. I get "messages" like this all the time. Keep the posts coming!

  10. I keep finding these things, every day. I can't decide anymore if I should pick them up for some reason or if they are just disgusting. I think I'm leaning toward disgusting... :)

    1. They were a weapon of ear destruction when I was a kid. You should pick them up and save the world from deafness one bobby pin at a time!

      Was just told yesterday I will soon be profoundly deaf and there is only so much hearing aids can do. Sorry for the sarcasm, feeling a little bitter right now! Self-pity will change nothing but a nice walk with the dogs will snap me out of it!

    2. mulder, I'm really sorry to hear there any possibility a cochlear implant or something along those lines would help?
      How 'bout a second opinion? Maybe in the US?

    3. TW, My hearing aids will continue to work (up to a point) and I've had almost thirty years to develop pretty good lip reading skills. My DD is taking ASL and has already taught me the naughty words so I think I'm good.

      As you know, I'm making this all up and just wear two hearing aids as a fashion statement!

      Doesn't take me long to snap out of self-pity mode and get on with things!

    4. Jeebus Mulder. I'm sorry. I remember my mother doing that same thing with the pins in my ears - kids hate anything 'jiggery-pokery' and that feeling was awful.

    5. Hello all, I decided to read this blog out of my own curious nature as to why there are bobby pins everywhere. Here are some things I have learned in life, science education and from this blog:
      1: You are finding bobby pins regularly as they are a common item that a large portion of the population uses and easily loses.
      2: many of us have memories of our matriarchs using them, either negatively or nostalgically (my mother used them to retrieve uncomfortable worms from my posterior as a child instead of readily available medications, probably due to her own embarrassment as she was such a snob that none of her family were to be seen as having anything she thought was brought about by poor hygiene-yes she was very wrong! and it's scars...) so we often associate immediately with them.
      3: After being curious about the first time finding one, people often become "hyper-vigilant" in "LOOKING" for them so are more likely to spot a 'needle in a haystack'
      4: This is the same principle as seeing the same time or number "everywhere" and is similar to "arithmomania.
      5: people who are susceptible to 'spiritual beliefs' are more susceptible to seeing these things as a message of some description from "the other side"
      6: If you read your horoscope and it said something about "an ordinary common object sends you a message today and the first thing you saw were "RUBBER BANDS", I can guarantee you that by tomorrow you will be looking for RUBBER BANDS everywhere trying to prove or disprove your belief. The fact that postal services, like woman's bobby pins, are used around the world everyday and lost to the ground or other seemingly "meant for me" places, is why they are so commonly found.
      7: If these things were supposedly a message from this other side world, then why would they not just send you a letter to say hi. If these so-called spirits could place booby pins everywhere just to tell you something then surely they could leave a note for you instead.
      8: It is a worrying sign, as in it is anxiety that causes hyper vigilance and most people who believe in signs and spirits etc are more often than not generally anxious, depressed or some other kind of trauma based, or biologically based, normal health issue.
      9: I recommend that the walks are good and relaxing is great, but each time you slip into the "looking" or even "there it is again...see I told you phase", I suggest you stop yourself, have a giggle and think well another person out there has to head to the shops and spend some cash on there lost hair pin or the postal service needs to reduce its consumption of latex and leave some for contraception in places where it is desperately needed.

      I hope I have not troubled or upset anyone with this post, but I love science and science has answered why many of us have these very common feelings of other side messages in the form of numbers or common objects that we all swear are "meant just for me and not the other 7 billion people on the planet"

      Try to destress and focus more on why you would be anxious and why you worry. That is where you need to start instead of gathering the evidence as this only serves to increase the anxiety (whether you believe you are anxious or not, it comes from the same part of the brain proven by testing) and will only make you see more signs and if not stopped could lead to some serious conditions that will have you seeing more than just hairpins everywhere.

      Be kind to yourselves and others. I hope this helps :)

    6. Anon, have you considered changing your name to Debbie Downer?

    7. So I just looked this up on the internet to see if I could find an inkling of why I am seeing Bobby Pins everywhere and came across your post. I know its hard to believe, but I amanita conjuring these things up or creating them. I find them everywhere. This morning I swept my dining room floor, and ten minutes later there was a bobby pin where I had swept. Last week, when I was cleaning my kitchen, I found one under a bread board that was weighted down with a crock pot full of rolling pins. Sorry, but this is not me trying to find bobby pins, they are definitely finding me! Im a little weirded out. I don't have any kind of feeling as to where they are coming from or who might be sending them Its a little bit unsettling however.. I am a "normal" person. Don't know why this is happening??

    8. My husband I would say for about a year has been finding bobby pins everywhere, and yes I am more a spirit, and science has its place to the post above, but carloyn as you said, he finds them everywhere, granted some are from falling but thens there the ones like finding underneath of a car mat from a car that was brand new and wasnt not there before, and a few minutes later there was another on the ground beside him that was not there a few minutes prior, my husband is always wtf is going on why do i keep finding bobby pins all of a sudden, like I never spot them, but he seems like a magnet to them..Just so happens I believe in the other side, not because im guessing but because of whether or not is is someone trying to communicate, who knows, all I know is have no clue what they are trying to say if they are lol

    9. I was seeing number 222 Everywhere.At the cash register on receipts/On( the clock/) Many many many times over a couple of years.I went to a Physic Reader She told me when She first started my Reading .I see Flashing Lights Like a Warning. Yellow /red /green/Could be Railroad tracks so be care full .I would wake up at 222 sometimes and I was beside my self.
      ON 12/ 22 /20 . MY Grandson was killed by a school bus(FLASHING LIGHTS) at around 2PM. The boys were sledding down the driveway and he went out into the road . He was on a Plastic circular sled and really there is no control with that type of sled .He was 4 1/2 Yrs old and was going to start school that year. He was buried in his new School clothes. I am the Grandmother! Please throw away that circular sled/They should be banned.I know you are saying he should not have been doing that but.His street was a quiet and residential one that no school busses were allowed to be one/He was a new driver and he had high school kids on it that told him they knew a short cut . This was a accident of circumstances.

  11. I love synchronicities! I have a big one about 11:11, I see 11's all over the place.

    Q's Sis

    1. Sis - I do that too! I always look at the clock when it is 3:33 or 11:11 or 4:44. Why I am drawn to number sightings I have no idea. That was going to be another 'wierdness' post - that and the fact that street lights go out when I pass by all the time.

    2. This is crazy, but the 11:11 is one for me too. My narc grandmother died on November 11th and shortly afterward, I started seeing it all the time. Clocks, radio dials, all elevens. And....well, to be really weird, one time I was watching one of those mediums on TV on a talk show and they were "reading" the audience. I happened to walk through the room (I was cleaning and in and out of the living room) when he said "I see the number 11. Like someone died in November....or maybe the 11th day..anyone?" No one ever "confirmed" the 11 connection but I got goose bumps. Coincidence? Maybe.

    3. SO. WEIRD. Jessie, that is so weird and spooky and COOL! (another weird thing, I am totally trolling your archives right now, re-reading your blog and all our comments and you popped up here... ) (not stalking you! just re-reading your story! not creepy!)

    4. That's actually nice to hear Gladys. There is a lot in my back log that has a lot of my "foundation" information. Particularly the first couple of posts I wrote. I wouldn't even think to consider that stalking!

    5. Yes on all the above 11 stuff and street lights going out everytime I go near one. What is the deal with that? It's damned spooky, lol!
      Also weird stuff about hawks and crows. One time I was writing in my journal about how weird it is with the crows, and I heard a tremendous racket out in front. I went out and there was at least 40 crows sitting on the utility lines over my driveway. Mocking me no doubt!
      Q's Sis

    6. My oldest boy has the same issue with streetlights. Never quite sure what to make of it, but I have formed some woo-woo theories.

    7. For me it's hawks and hummingbirds. I thought that one was totally just me! Qs sis, you made my day. The hawks REALLY try to get my attention. And I'm up on the third floor with a few flowers on my balcony, not many since it's November now. And the hummers keep flying all the way up, and LOOKING IN MY SLIDING GLASS DOOR at me! Lol luckily Charlie Dog doesn't notice them. But they come to visit every day.

  12. Pennies. In *all* my vehicles. Obverse side up, always. On the driver's seat. Right in the middle of the seat where my butt crack would be-no, I always drive with my clothes on! Haven't removed any article of clothing in any vehicle in YEARS. Started immediately after George (late DH) died. I always keep my change in my wallet which is in my purse which is always sitting on the passenger seat or on the console between the seats if there's a passenger. I never throw change in my hand bag, pockets, only in my wallet which has a change section which closes securely. No one else drives the vehicle unless it's in for service and no pennies or any other change have ever shown up then. *It's also happened in rentals.*
    This has been going on for 21 yrs. Every vehicle. Same place, same side up every time. No change any where else in or around the vehicle. IDK....?

    1. Canada just eliminated pennies. No more find a penny pick it up...

    2. TW that is amazing. I love that story. I believe.

    3. Yk when it really got my attention? I had gone to the grocery store and locked the car doors-heard the "Beep" confirming they were locked. It was winter so all the windows and sun roof were completely closed. When I came back, I key-fobb opened the trunk and put my groceries in, then walked to the driver's side and absent-mindedly pulled on the handle which of course was locked, grabbed the keys out of my purse and unlocked it. As I opened the door, there was a penny, same place, obverse side up.
      It was not there when I got out-I know this because when I got out at the grocery store, I leaned back in over the driver's seat to take the ice scraper which was propped up on the front passenger side floor against the console and put it behind the driver's side seat on the floor-didn't want it dripping in the front.
      Leaving aside the above regarding where I keep my change-ALWAYS-how did that penny get in my locked/windows/sun-roof completely closed car? IDK...?

  13. I keep finding bobby pins myself and that's how I found your post! I was trying to figure out the significance myself. Weird. One day I used one to put up a little piece of hair and at the end of the day not one but THREE fell out of my hair. I swear I only used one. Can you imagine trying to put three in at once? Even if they were stuck together? After that I started finding them everywhere. Very odd...

    1. ANON - JEEBUS! Someone else finding bobby pins! OH hell. Do you have dead female relatives? Because I'm working the theory that it's one of mine trying to get my attention, without using the pennies like TW keeps finding.

      I'm still finding them. And now my niece Erica is finding them. Positive or negative? can't parse it out yet.

    2. I also came about this blog while researching why i have been suddenly finding bobby pins everywhere. I have done everything possible to change my walk path when it became very worrying. But prior to seeing the bobby pins, i noted that i started seeing big nails almost everywhere i am walking and i became concerned only to be offered a very big contract with a construction company few months later as a Micro-manager of the historic Renewable energy project here in North London. Soon after i finished the contract, i started seeing bobby pins almost everywhere and it FREAKS ME OUT because i don't use them and my neighborhood is very clean, green and not congested as some other neighborhood. Yesterday was the final straw, so i started researching what it means. Then your blog was one of those i came across. I am aware that my loved ones may be in contact with me because i dream about them whenever i expressed that i am missing them terribly. For example, my father who died as a Chief Police Officer was known for his cleanliness and using Yellow Afro comb. On the 27th of July, i dreamt about him handing me a Yellow Afro Comb, only for me to wake up in the morning and found a yellow comb on the street. Of course, i walked past but suddenly stopped because it is NOT usual in my type of neighborhood to just found a comb on the street since there is no bus stop, no flats, no underground train or anything that could make people wants to come down the road except they have a car or are expected. I turned back after the shock of seeing a yellow comb that i knew i just dreamt about and i pick it up. I brought it home and i dare not say what i dreamt about since then so that i don't sound crazy. But one thing i can share now is that i experienced all my 3 dead relatives in my room, their was storm and they drove the storm off, i saw a big snake driven out of the bedroom and i have slept very sound since then. The constant pain i had been having on my legs for over two years have suddenly disappeared. I don't have a clue about these occurrences, but i can only share that there is a high probability that we are not alone.

  14. I've started finding them lately too in my hotel rooms. It was creeping me out thinking that the rooms aren't being thoroughly cleaned. I've never found them in my hotel rooms before. I first found one in Las Vegas, then in Los Angeles, and now in Japan beside my bed when I woke up this morning. The others I noticed at check in. So now I'm wondering if there is another meaning to finding bobby pins and hair pins. The hair pin I found was huge. I have never seen one that big before. I too was wondering if I should start saving them.

  15. Did you ever find an answer to this? I found your blog by Googling finding bobby pins, because today on my way to work I found a random bobby pin *on my lap* and I don't wear them!!! I have no idea how it got there (car windows were up, I was by myself). I know there has to be a reason or someone is trying to tell me something but I don't know who or what it is.

  16. Anon, I've done some work for a group of "ghost busters". They say deceased loved ones often leave random items to let you know they're still with you. Did anyone you've lost recently use bobby pins?
    One of my ghost buster buddies recently lost a very old cat and each night when he goes up to bed he finds a piece of cat kibble in the middle of the hall. He picks it up each time and the next night there's another piece. Meow!!!

  17. My grandmother recently passed away and ever since I've been finding bobby pins everywhere. She used to have bobby pins all over her house and I think that it's her telling me high so perhaps that's what's happening to you.

    1. Not HIGH... Dumb voice command. Hi. Just Hi. Lol

  18. Very late on this thread however, my mom passed 3 years ago this July and always wore wigs for work (actress) since she has passed, I have been finding bobby pins - with the most recent one on the doorstep of the building she used to live in - as I passed by, I saw it. They are def a sign from the other side - collect them - the number you find will have significance and you will also usually find them in cycles, phases of your life when the ladies who have passed on are with you, guiding you - directing your path in a way

  19. Very late on this thread however, my mom passed 3 years ago this July and always wore wigs for work (actress) since she has passed, I have been finding bobby pins - with the most recent one on the doorstep of the building she used to live in - as I passed by, I saw it. They are def a sign from the other side - collect them - the number you find will have significance and you will also usually find them in cycles, phases of your life when the ladies who have passed on are with you, guiding you - directing your path in a way

  20. Well hey! I am not alone! I have the same issue as you. I see bobby pins everywhere I go also....ha ha for some reason I never felt the need to colllect them....yeah so if you figure it out let me know....until then yeah

  21. I find them as well! In pairs! Usually in the same place.. corner of the treehouse. Robbie brinkley

  22. I've been finding bobby pins under my car mat, on the floor at work and in my bedroom. I have never wore them.
    The only person I knew was my mom who has passed. Not sure what the meaning is behind it but it has caught my attention.

  23. I am finding sewing pins. They see to be just lying there as if someone carefully aid them. First on the carpet now on my bed on the comforter. They are giving me the creeps. I don't want to believe in the paranormal so someone give a rational explanation.
