Tuesday, April 16, 2013

To any trolls lurking under my bridge

Threaten ME with legal action.  threaten ME. 

Hell hath no fury like the menopausal woman who just moved 2000 miles and cannot find her socks. 

On the other hand, keep threatening Q.  THAT WILL BE FUN TOO! 

I haven't beat up anyone in a long time.  Which, I know only sounds like a threat but srsly.  It's been a long time since I took my hands to a woman, TOO LONG.  I have frequent flyer miles that will take me anywhere I want to go.  I have LOTS of hotel free nights due to traveling across the states twice in 18 months. 

And I have all the free time in the world.

I have no fear.  Nothing to lose.  Nobody to answer to.  There isn't a soul on this earth you could tattle to who would make one fucking ounce of difference to me.  No kids in school, although I do have one in the Marine Corps...  You might want to piss him off!


  1. You slay me Glady's. It' funny that none of The ULB's hide behind anonymoutiy sorry for thtypo's, since my stroke, my poor withered hands don't do what I want them to. It's very tragic and has left me defenseless. Defenseless in Texas. Allen Texas. just North of Dallas. I'll leave the light on for ya. bUt the cali's of the world use their anonymity like a blunt object being brought down on the head of an already compromised stroke victim.

  2. HA HA HA you crack me up, you poor defenseless TEXAN. Yeah, *sigh* I figure I wont get any action. I'm to out there, to willing to fight. They hate that. But watch all yer wimmin folk circle around you, man. What IS this supernatural power you have over all of us *clutches heaving bosom*

  3. I don't know. there is just me and Valentino.. go figure If you are heaving I am guessing you just visited Cal's site.

  4. I'm actually heavin' with laughter! Since we're not cringing with fear I'm guessing the bullies have crawled back under their rocks which is where they belong.

  5. MF your current graphic over at your place is sooo relevant. If you want to be talked about nicely you should have been nicer.

  6. Gladys I dug up some dirt on you too. here you are on the Mike Douglas Show.

  7. I'm ADORABLE. I love my pigtails. Hope I DO look that good when I'm 64...

  8. I Just reread your first comment they most certainly don't like people who they can't dress down and who will turn and tuck their tail and run at the drop of hat. .

  9. These people haven't the guts to really go at it. They just mince around in private blogs and kiss each others' asses while acting morally superior. Flying monkeys and narcs don't play fair.

  10. PS: Heathers is one of my all time favorite movies. I used to be able to quote most of it verbatim. Now excuse me while I pop a turbo dog in the microwave. Keeps me sane.

  11. one thing about doctors and nurses. They all are frustrated comedians. I could be minutes away from them shoving a stent through an artery in my groin and up into my chest and expect a routine much like this.
